Hello there. I'm so glad you've found me. The thing is that what you're looking at right now is an old site. I've moved everything over to my main site at Wisdom of the Moon.

If you've followed a link here looking for a tutorial, don't worry, just click on the title of the post or the link at the beginning of the post and you'll end up at the complete tutorial.

It's an extra step, I know, but totally worth it. I promise.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you there!


Monday, January 21, 2008

Double Hemmed Corners

Note- Please click over to Wisdom of the Moon to read the entire post on how to sew double hemmed corners.

This is the technique I've worked out for doing flat double hems on corners.

Seriously look how flat they are.
2008 01 21 004


Kat said...

Found this through google. Thank you!

Regina Hart said...

Oh my gawd, thank you. I was working on a project that said "fold a press a double hem all around the fabric", and I didn't have a clue. Your well-photographed tutorial saved me a lot of aggravation.

-Signed, the girl who skipped home-ec.