Hello there. I'm so glad you've found me. The thing is that what you're looking at right now is an old site. I've moved everything over to my main site at Wisdom of the Moon.

If you've followed a link here looking for a tutorial, don't worry, just click on the title of the post or the link at the beginning of the post and you'll end up at the complete tutorial.

It's an extra step, I know, but totally worth it. I promise.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you there!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Buffalo Scrunchies

Note- Please click over to Wisdom of the Moon to read the entire post on how to make buffalo scrunchies.

Here is what I do with the extra elastic I cut off the fitted sheets when I'm making fabric grocery bags. When I decided to do this, it reminded me of the Plains Indians and how they found a use for every piece of the buffalo and wasted nothing.

2007 10 24 029


FinnyKnits said...

Ooh - you soooooooo are in the Use Every Part of the Beast Club, now my friend.

I love this!

Urban Woodswalker said...

And I am aware of the irony that the closest I've gotten to living off the land is to reuse elastic from someone else's sheet. It makes me laugh every time.)

You said it so right! That is Funny. We are the modern "pioneers" of "Trashion!" there is a wonderful description of this word in Wikipedia.